Category Archives: CNC Machining

We will share cnc machining knowledges , if you are interiesting for us , welcome focus on our website , and i believe you can learn you want .

The principle of cnc turning thread, common problems and solutions


In the turning process of threaded parts, due to the wear and tear of the thread tool, it is often necessary to reload the tool and set the tool. The quality of the tool setting will directly affect the accuracy of thread turning, especially the thread repair turning. , requires secondary clamping and secondary tool…

17-4 PH stainless steel material introduction

CNC machining stainless steel products

17-4PH Executive standard: American ASTMS17400, ASTM A564 630, UNS630 17-4PH is a martensitic precipitation hardening stainless steel. In addition to directly obtaining martensitic structure after solid solution treatment, this steel is further strengthened by subsequent aging treatment-obtaining precipitation hardening phase (copper-containing phase). 17-4PH is a precipitated, hardened, martensitic stainless steel composed of copper, niobium/columbium. This…

CNC Machining Inspection Dimensions QC Reports

inspection watermark

For AIXI Hardware , we will offer inspection diamensions reports to customer confirm before shipment , if everthings is ok , then we will arrange shipment , ensure quality 100% correct before left China . If you also have CNC machining products request, dont heasite to contact us, you can get a compettive price ,…

Is Delrin Easy To Machine?

NC black conductive POM plastic parts

Is Delrin Easy To Machine? If you’re new to the world of thermoplastics, you’ve likely been wondering if Delrin is easy to machine. This high-strength thermoplastic material has a high degree of dimensional stability, is hydrocarbon resistant, and is low-friction. If you’re interested in learning more about Delrin, you’ve come to the right place. Learn…

What Kind of Aluminum Is Used For CNC Machining?

Custom high end aluminum parts

What Kind of Aluminum Is Used For CNC Machining? Several factors affect the choice of material for CNC machining. For example, the type of aluminum used depends on its mechanical properties. There are several types of aluminum, including 6061, 7075, 2024-T3, and 5052. The article below explains the benefits and disadvantages of each one. Once…