1. Analyze the functional components of stainless steel welding equipment and the application technology to improve the stability and reliability of the equipment. At the same time, the development of welding processes for different application categories will be carried out according to preset procedures and processes.
2. At present, we should focus on the seamless integration technology between the control systems of different consumer manufacturers; the project management technology of project planning, design, organization, procurement, acceptance, debugging, etc. that the main supplier of automatic welding equipment for large projects should have.
3. Avoid abnormal accidents in industrial equipment, which will endanger the safety of people and equipment. Functional safety technology, as well as the welding system during the welding process can not stop the closed-loop reaction system are all problems we need to deal with
Stainless steel welding has strict requirements for interlayer temperature (below 100 °). For continuous welding, it is best to flush the back with water.
Regarding carbon steel, stainless steel has a large shrinkage coefficient, which tends to accumulate stress and is one of the conditions of thermal cracking.
Overheated stainless steel is easy to grow grains and reduce impact toughness
Stainless steel is a high-alloy steel with segregated components and hot cracking conditions.
What is the welding performance of stainless steel welding and polishing? What should you pay attention to when welding? Medium carbon steel has a high carbon content. It has a tendency to harden. Under the action of welding thermal cycle, the joint may be overheated, hardened, porosity, cold Cracks and other defects, so its welding performance is poor. Welding medium carbon steel should be preheated, the preheating temperature is usually 150-250 ℃.

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