Archivos de Categoría: Mecanizado CNC

CNC Machining Inspection Dimensions QC Reports


For AIXI Hardware , we will offer inspection diamensions reports to customer confirm before shipment , if everthings is ok , then we will arrange shipment , ensure quality 100% correct before left China . If you also have CNC machining products request, dont heasite to contact us, you can get a compettive price ,…

Is Delrin Easy To Machine?

NC black conductive POM plastic parts

Is Delrin Easy To Machine? If you’re new to the world of thermoplastics, you’ve likely been wondering if Delrin is easy to machine. This high-strength thermoplastic material has a high degree of dimensional stability, is hydrocarbon resistant, and is low-friction. If you’re interested in learning more about Delrin, you’ve come to the right place. Learn…

Advantages Of Using CNC Electronic Cigarette Parts

Electronic cigarette aluminum parts

CNC Electronic Cigarette Parts If you are looking for the best and most reliable source of CNC E-cigarette parts, you are in the right place. There are several online sources for you to choose from. They offer different types of electronic cigarette parts at competitive prices. You can also opt to have your custom electronic…

What Kind of Aluminum Is Used For CNC Machining?

Custom high-end aluminum parts

What Kind of Aluminum Is Used For CNC Machining? Several factors affect the choice of material for CNC machining. For example, the type of aluminum used depends on its mechanical properties. There are several types of aluminum, including 6061, 7075, 2024-T3, and 5052. The article below explains the benefits and disadvantages of each one. Once…